
Thursday, May 26, 2016

You inspire me!

One unassuming August day back in 2015, I received an email from someone who told me that she stumbled upon my blog without really meaning to. She mentioned how she continued reading on until my last entry posted back in September 2014. I was so surprised to know that someone still took time to read my articles but it was sort of an eye opener too! Knowing that there are people out there who stop and take time out of their busy day to read and appreciate my blog. Thank you! I know I have emailed you back but feel I short changed you because I was still not able to go back to business and update my ofwifediaries.

Prior to this I also received a message from someone who at that time was also in Saudi Arabia…he is an FB friend now and I hope he still continues to read my stories. Hello from the Philippines! 

Then 2 days ago, I received an FB message from a former colleague who came across my blog too!  Messages like these keeps my heart a flutter as it is a confirmation of sorts that the things I’ve written about are not mere words that stumble from my head, goes through my heart, and onto my blog. It is a confirmation that whatever I write means something to someone…can mean something to someone. That I am able to inspire. That I am able to give hope, make people feel, make them laugh! I am humbled … my heart is stirred…

So I dedicate this article to these 3 people who took time to send me a message, wished me well, and who I hope to continue to inspire. 

Thank you so much!

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